August - Review, Reinforce and Rev Up for School Time!


It’s also time to catch up on any assigned summer reading. We’re here to help!   

Whether primary, middle or high school awaits, being scholastically ready provides needed confidence and greatly improves a student’s ability to learn the new material that will be presented.  

Students in general forget or lose about two months’ worth of prior learning during the summer vacation.  They also slide back on learning skills and study habits. This regression may be more significant for a student with learning differences.  When students return to school in the fall, they work to regain the lost knowledge and to learn new material as well.  

Students who have freshly reviewed their prior learning and who have filled in their knowledge gaps beforehand are more eagerly attentive when they return to class.  They will participate in class with better understanding as they can make the connection between the new material and that which they previously learned.  Being more familiar with the basics, these students will be able to ask questions more readily and with more confidence.  

High school students, who will be called upon to do more independent learning, also require a strong knowledge base and solid study skills for success.  They need coursework review for PSAT, SAT or ACT exams as well as to be prepared for the new semester’s classwork.  

Being scholastically ready and confident also allows the student to be more at ease in social relationships.  In addition, sharpened learning skills help with meeting study and homework obligations more efficiently.  This allows students more time to participate in extra-curricular activities. 

When students are ready and eager to return to class, we’re all happy.  

Lear Educational Center provides tutoring designed to meet the individual needs of students. We interface with schools, working with the curriculum appropriate for each student. We accommodate and compensate for learning differences, helping students meet IEP and remediation goals. We also teach study skills, learning strategies and techniques which help students meet the classroom challenges of today and those of tomorrow.