Making the Most of the Rest of the School Year with the One-to-One Online Lear Advantage

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Some students have fallen behind in their online one-way classes and in the completion of assigned homework and quizzes.  In addition, they have lost prior foundational learning.  They may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, and wish that they could avoid the required school work altogether.  Lear Educational Center is here to help them regain motivation, catch up, and make the most of the rest of the school year. 

It’s difficult to pay attention during an online one-way group class.  It’s difficult to feel involved while watching from a distance with minimal expectation to be called upon to answer a question or to ask a question before the teacher moves on.  As motivation sinks, attention wanders. They’re then likely to become disinterested, day-dreamers, or actively occupied with distractions.  The computers themselves present convenient distractions.  Checking email, social media or playing that favorite video game may be just a tempting click away.  

It’s difficult to draw up self-discipline, determination, and motivation to catch up when they have unanswered questions about material already presented.  It becomes more and more challenging for the students to focus as the course material moves on.  When they do attempt to complete homework assignments, they may feel lost and bewildered because they weren’t fully involved in the class when the lesson was taught. The students may be completing their homework, but doing it incorrectly, reinforcing mistakes, and not understanding why their answers were wrong.  Quizzes are failed and motivation sinks even lower.  These students are unable to keep up with their class because they need to catch up first.  They can’t catch up without help. 

With the Lear Advantage of One to One Online Academic Coaching and Scholastic Tutoring, our intensive sessions fully engage the student's attention as he actively participates, reinforcing impulse control to resist distractions. The student develops confidence in his ability to advance as he learns new concepts and realizes that he has achieved preparation to learn more.  This motivates him to learn more.  Executive function skills, learning skills and strategies grow as the student puts them into practice during the sessions and afterward.  Goal-directed habit patterns are reinforced to become personal standards.  

The student’s background knowledge is assessed with prior achievement recognized, placing an encouraging emphasis on what the student already has accomplished toward advancing through the appropriate curriculum. Self-confidence grows as knowledge gaps are filled in and foundational knowledge is reinforced.  As material is presented, the student’s level of comprehension is assessed and necessary further explanations and corrections are provided immediately to ensure that the student fully understands and builds a knowledge base on correct information.

 Maximizing the potential of each individual student is the mission of Lear Educational Center.   We share this goal with our students, leading them up the steps of achievement with our one-to-one online academic coaching and scholastic tutoring. This individualized participatory tutoring holds the student’s interest; encourages the student’s questions; enhances their recall skills, organization and expression of thoughts.  The students learn that their initiative is valuable and will be rewarded.  

At Lear Educational Center we provide supportive one-to-one, systematized, intensive, individualized online academic coaching and scholastic tutoring on all levels, primary through college, for most subjects. 

We interface with schools, working with the curriculum appropriate for each student.  We specialize in teaching students with learning differences, helping them meet IEP and remediation goals. 

Lear Educational Center - providing tutoring services to students from Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and the Greater Lehigh Valley since 2000